Thursday, April 8, 2010


There's always a bigger picture!!
Having missed the "bus to heaven", I decided to create my own heaven down here on earth in my 6th floor flat in Nerul. A few phone calls were the only ingredients required to make my own private heaven. Having invited two of my closest school friends, we started making plans for the next three days. Obviously, none of them quite worked out, because....well...simply because we made them. As it turned out, the-guy-with-the-protruding-belly had to leave on the second day, as he had tests coming up in which he had, like always, vowed to top. While the gold-chain guy also planned to leave early on the third day.
After the initial hi-hello's (which included some hard back-slapping, a few baseless accusations, and random foul words), we sat down to catch up on the latest happenings in each other's lives. You don't really need to join a facebook group to remind you that your school days are the golden days of your lifetime. Within a few minutes we were down on the floor laughing our asses off remembering the "best days of our lives". Now I don't exactly remember the order or the reason for the following events, but something provoked the belly-guy to bring out the bucket and start splashing water all around the place. Within minutes each and every one of us was soaked from head to toe. Our living room turned into a mini-pool and we had trouble walking straight on the water. The pic below will always remind us of our first "holi" together.
Now it was time for some tummy-tucking. This was the time when everyone started digging out each others achievements and other important recent events in their life so that someone would take up the most important task of paying the bill. Birthdays, scholarships, ridiculously good results, new bikes, and many other such events were being taken into consideration. After a long, heated discussion, the BP guy was chosen, whose wallet was to be robbed that night.PARTY!!!!! But the belly-guy very modestly offered to pay for the most important items for the night. At this point of time, we also remebered a bet we made long back. The outcome of the bet resulted in a flash of lightening, the sound of thunder and then a secret was born...a secret that was classified above top secret. By the way, I havent forgotten that I too owe the gold-chain guy a special party for his special achievement. (Dude, though I am still proud of you, you will get the party only if the connection is permanently terminated). His special achievement???...well, lets just say, that I wish I was there at two places at 'that' time: one on his side of the conversation and on other side as well, to look at both their faces.
After dinner, we got back home to finish the rest of the party. This part of the night can be described by only one word: CRAZY. Never before I imagine that one has run races(at inappropriate spots), sung songs(again at inappropriate spots), worked on their verbal skills, and their physical health in just one night...not to mention some commendable experimentation and one wild,wild ride!!!
So, finally, the day ended(at 4 in the morning) and the only thing left to do now is to thank my friends for turning my days of 'hell' into something special...into heaven!!! You guys rock!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010


You don't realise the importance of freedom till it is snatched away from you.

Staying away from home, me and my freedom took to new heights and soared high for a year and a half till an incident occurred that brought us both crashing down to the earth(read as reality). As a result a few tough decisions, a few much-needed restrictions and a few agonising sacrifices were made.

During this time I realised, that when you are in the deepest of the troubles, your friends come up with the most desirable and mouth-watering plans, which you have to pass by rather unwillingly. Having hit the reality head-on, my friends put forward one such plan...a plan of which I had heard a lot...a plan which I had visualised a hundred times in my mind....a plan which I would give anything to take part in. I just knew I had to join the party...but my mind told me that I didn't deserve this break given the previous events. Hours of thinking and assessment led me to the decision that going along with this plan wasn't in my best interests right now. My decision was met by angry glares, a few foul words, and some successful attempts to change my mind. Over the next few weeks, I kept dangling between a 'yes' and a 'no'. But alas! Tough times called for tough decisions. Carrying the weight of all the troubles I was in, I finally refused, knowing very well that I was going to regret this decision for the rest of my life.

Following the afore-mentioned crash, my parents tried very hard to force some sense into me and in the process also took away from me a few things which were very dear to me. But it wasn't necessary, as, for me, this was one of those phases in life when you know what is right and what is wrong without anyone having to tell you that. It was one of those phases when your priorities align themselves in the right order and the path which you should be taking opens up automatically in front of you blocking all other wrong paths you could have taken. During this time, you yourself know what is right for you and the wise words of everyone else around you don't really matter anymore. Thus, along with the loss and sacrifice came sense and a will to turn the tables around. And then the much-needed restrictions were imposed by me upon myself. A very important lesson I learned at this time is that change is necessary for a person to evolve. Although I am missing out on a few of the precious things in life, I am sure things will turn out in a better way than they are right now. I am sure that these decisions, restrictions, and sacrifices will have a positive long-term effect for me.

Walking down empty roads, late in the night, with my faithful companion in my hands, I realise that there is a very thin line between the use and misuse of the freedom given to you...the same line that divides success and failure....the same line that divides good and bad. Someone very rightly told me that liberty is not given to you on a platter, it has to be earned. Having finally understood the meaning of this statement, I have now decided to earn my liberties back. One more chance is all I need.


I had a dream

Not again they said

But they wouldn't understand

The feelings of my heart,

The thoughts in my head


I was back on the beach

The silent spectator

And there she stood

As glorious as ever


Under the moon light

Eclipsing the stars

A grand symphony

A masterpiece of art


She moved elegantly

As would an angel

Her face radiant with light

And her eyes did twinkle


I took my place beside her

And she smiled at me

But it didn't reach her eyes

They were filled with grief


I remember her smile

And the laugh on her face

When the time stood still

And she held my gaze


But today 'twas different

The brilliance was gone

The sky changed colour

Darkness gave way to dawn


The clouds came in

And it started to rain

Water splashed across her face

Hiding the tears of pain


I reached out for her

Knowing that time was short

I knew why she was down

I too had given it some thought


Cos every morning I woke

My eyes blinded by her face

And I went about my day

As if running a lost race


I wondered where she was

I wondered who she was

Will we ever meet?

Or will I forever be at a loss


How long I thought

Will this go on,

Will these mesmerizing dreams

Torture me on


I held her close

As close as could be

Cos more than anywhere else

This was where I wanted to be


It was then that I decided

That no matter what brings the future

This dream is and shall

Forever remain my greatest treasure


Looking into her eyes

I made her this promise

Held her smiling face in my hands

And sealed it with a kiss.